3rd Street Bike Lanes

Let’s Create a Safe North-South Route Downtown

Downtown Phoenix is missing a crucial option for those on scooters, bikes, and micromobility devices to safely travel north-south. We are calling for the City of Phoenix to develop bike infrastructure along 3rd Street between Roosevelt and Lincoln to improve downtown connectivity and safety.

The city is already conducting a Downtown North-South Bikeway Study, looking at the area from Central Avenue to 7th Street and Roosevelt Street to Lincoln Street, to determine where improvements should be made. Central and 7th Street see heavier traffic, while 5th Street is blocked by the stadium. We've identified 3rd Street as the crucial area to expand micromobility access in the downtown area. The exact design would be determined by the city through a community engagement process.

With Phoenix's high rate of traffic violence, increased residential development downtown, and more people pivoting to transit and cycling, it's time to create a safe north-south micromobility route downtown.